EU funding program for SMEs to protect intellectual property

The Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund, a special support program, is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe access their intellectual property rights. The program, offered by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) with the support of the EU Commission, is aimed at companies that want to develop their intellectual property strategies and protect their […]

George Philippart

“Artists from around the world contribute to the richness and diversity of culture, and we all benefit from their stories, music, films and talent.  To keep it that way, our artists need to acquire the knowledge of how to effectively manage their intellectual property rights” these words of Daren Tang, Director General of WIPO are entirely in line with BEST […]

Diversity Charter

By signing the Diversity Charter, an initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions under the patronage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel , we are not only visibly setting an example for an appreciative and prejudice-free working environment but are also taking another important step towards actively living social commitment in our law firm. By signing the Diversity Charter, we […]


We are pleased to announce the successful completion of Simon Knoll’s contribution to the forthcoming publication of Beck’s “Formularbuch Sportrecht”, a practice book containing forms for practitioners in the field of sports rights, edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Schimke, Of Counsel at Bird & Bird Düsseldorf and Judge at the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) in Lausanne. Mr. Knoll […]

APRAM conference

Michael Best will speak on July 2, 2021 in Paris at the APRAM (Association des Practiciens dur Droit des Marques et des Modèles – conference on « Parasitisme et concurrence déloyale, succédanés de la PI en droit comparé : Une réalité ? – Une avancée pour les titulaires de droits ? »(“Parasitism and unfair competition, IP substitutes in comparative law: A […]

WhatsApp Business

With 2 million monthly users and 100 billion messages sent per day, WhatsApp is one of the largest messenger services worldwide. The goals of our new corporate identity include communication, in addition to our professional mission statement and our social commitment. In a world that is spinning faster and faster, it is of utmost importance for us to be close […]

Vulture Voices in Concert…

BEST IP has supported the online charity concert “Vulture Voices in Concert” in favour of Wildlife ACT. The concert was organised by the non-profit association “Voice, Art & Social”, which supports young artists and social projects. 12 artists (eight of them former contestants of “The Voice of Germany”) contributed with their talent to this unforgettable concert. With over 1700 spectators, […]

Virtual INTA Leadership Meeting

Michael Best will be present at the Virtual INTA Leadership Meeting May 3-7 . He will also attend the Public Information Committee ,meeting. Please contact Michael Best via email – – or via „INTA Connect“ – – if you would like to meet him there.

World IP Day

Celebrating World IP Day: SME’s, the unsung heroes of our world economy 99{1c502c4e1e1b7ff5687e142ea847928a3a0330004eb49fa220ca63e79f6a7746} of all firms in Germany are SMEs who account for more than 50{1c502c4e1e1b7ff5687e142ea847928a3a0330004eb49fa220ca63e79f6a7746} of Germanys economic output and almost 60{1c502c4e1e1b7ff5687e142ea847928a3a0330004eb49fa220ca63e79f6a7746} of all jobs.  Worldwide SMEs are the backbone of our world economy, they make up 90{1c502c4e1e1b7ff5687e142ea847928a3a0330004eb49fa220ca63e79f6a7746} of all companies in the world, employ 70{1c502c4e1e1b7ff5687e142ea847928a3a0330004eb49fa220ca63e79f6a7746} of workers globally and […]

“Design is also what you don’t see.”

“Design is also what you don’t see.” This sentence by Walter De Silva was the common thread that guided us through the creation of our new corporate identity. The goal was to dare something new and to preserve the tried and tested. With its new corporate identity, BestIP positions itself not only professionally but also on other levels, be it […]