Steffen Schäffner LL.M.

LL.M. | Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at law)

Steffen Schäffner worked as an attorney in Saarbrücken for a law firm specialized in Intellectual Property (IP) upon completion of his studies of law in Heidelberg, Germany, his legal clerkship and his postgraduate master studies in European law in Saarbrücken, Germany (Master’s thesis: “The relationship between the Community trademark and the Community design”, awarded the “OHIM Annual Prize of 2006-2007” for the best dissertation in the field of Community trademarks and designs) and his traineeship at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante, Spain.

From 2007 to 2011 he worked in the IP Litigation Unit of OHIM (now EUIPO) in Alicante and represented the Office in proceedings before the European courts in Luxembourg. As a lawyer of the Litigation Unit, he drafted observations, opinions and responses in more than one hundred cases and participated in dozens of oral hearings before the European courts.

From 2011 to 2013 Steffen Schäffner worked as a Trademark Counsel at Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, Germany. He was responsible for the worldwide protection and administration of the international trademark portfolio and domains of the Global Business Unit Cardio Metabolic Care and General Medicine.

Steffen Schäffner began to work with BEST Rechtsanwälte in November 2013. He is now working in Frankfurt and Saarbrücken. As a specialized and experienced IP lawyer and litigator, he provides legal advice in trademarks, designs, domains, unfair competition and copyright matters and represents clients in cases concerning all these areas of law before the courts. He frequently speaks and publishes on IP issues, is also a lecturer in law at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), the UNION of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property (UNION), the Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG), the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR) and other professional organizations.